Work is currently underway to prepare a register of certified psychotherapists and psychotherapists in certification training.
The list will present information about psychotherapists with qualifications confirmed by the Polish Psychotherapy Council – Federation of Associations member organisations.
Please contatct us
We wholeheartedly invite and encourage representatives of institutions and associations to get in touch with us.
The list of the Polish Psychotherapy Council – Federation of Associations members that issue psychotherapist certificates
- Polish Psychanalytical Society
- Polish Society for Gestalt Psychotherapy
- Polish Association for Psychoanalytic Psychology
- Polish Society for Integrative Experimental Psychotherapy and Social Education – Intra Association
- Polish Society for Process Psychology
- Polish Association of Process Psychology Psychotherapists and Practitioners
- Polish Association for Solution Focused Brief Therapy
- Polish Federation for Psychotherapy
- Polish Association of Integrative Psychotherapy
- Association of Christian Psychologists
- „Rasztów” Institute of Group Analysis
- Polish Psychotraumatology Society
Organisations issuing psychotherapist certificates, which participate in the work on the psychotherapist profession bill as observers
- Polskie Towarzystwo Psychoterapii Psychoanalitycznej – zobacz listę
- Polskie Towarzystwo Terapii Poznawczo-Behawioralnej – zobacz listę
- Sekcja Naukowa Terapii Rodzin i Sekcja Naukowa Psychoterapii Polskiego Towarzystwa Psychiatrycznego – zobacz listę
- Sekcja Psychoterapii Polskiego Towarzystwa Psychologicznego – zobacz listę